Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Some Updates and an Answer

So, for all/any of you who actually regularly check up on this blog,you might of noticed today it looked absolutely nuts. Lmfao. I was in the middle of changing/making a new layout for the blog. Do you like it? I wanted more color, even though I loved the purple and gray combo. Plus now you can see lil' cartoon me sittin' on a tub of Lustrasilk Shea Butter Deep Conditioner. Lol.

Hopefully you guys like this layout, I'm gonna be keeping it for awhile. But I digress. Today after school I went to attend a meeting at our NOW club at my high school and to make t-shirts for a Day of Silence to raise awareness for domestic violence against women. We made stencils then used them to spray paint old t-shirts. Now you might be wondering what my stencil said. It said:
A woman is battered every 15 seconds

Are you shocked? I'm not. Domestic violence is a HUGE problem in the US, and to be more particular, in my high school. I know of tons of guys who've hit their girlfriends, female friends, "wifeys", etc. It's sickening. Good men in my area are a dwindling race to say the least, lol. But I have my boyfriend, so it's whatever.

Anyway, the point of me mentioning the day of silence is to help raise awareness in everyone. Things like domestic violence can't always be seen by the naked eye, so look closely, choose your partners wisely, and if you ever are in an abusive relationship: Get help. Immediately. The longer you stay in the relationship the worse off you are.

But on a totally different note, a couple of ladies requested that I talk about a proper braids regimen. Now personally, when in braids, I believe less is more when it comes to keeping up with your haircare and having them.
I actually have braids right now.

See? That's actually a picture of me and my friend in December, but I still have the braids in and am actually taking them out this weekend. The way I take care of my braids is that I still moisturize and seal, though not daily. I do it bidaily, and about twice a week I oil my scalp with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. On saturday or sunday I wash my scalp (ONLY) with Creme of Nature shampoo, and then condition with my love Aussie Moist. So basically that breaks down to:
Moisturize and Seal: Daily-Bidaily
Oil Scalp: 1-3 Weekly

I've also heard that to get rid of a chemical that drys out the hair found on synthetic braiding hair, soaking it in Apple Cider Vinegar and rinsing before braiding your hair up can really be helpful.

Hope that helps the ladies who asked! Anywho, that's all for today. Tomorrow's a snow day for me, so maybe I'll work on another blog.

Hope that helped,

PS. Please send me more questions via my hairlista account or my email (which is listed in my about me.)

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